Abhishek Malaviya
2 min readMay 10, 2019

Prepopulate/Prefill WFFM Form’s field Sitecore.

We need to create custom control then we can pre-fill/databind our WFFM form.

Here we are adding custom SingleLineTextField. Below are steps:

1) Create custom control designer class, where we can add our custom property

namespace xxx.Foundation.Forms.WFFM
[Designer("System.Windows.Forms.Design.ParentControlDesigner, System.Design", typeof(IDesigner))]
public class CustomTextBox : RegexInputControl
private static readonly string baseCssClassName = "scfSingleLineTextBorder";
[VisualCategory("Custom Properties")]
[VisualProperty("Identifier", 2)]
public string Identifier { get; set; }
[VisualCategory("Validation"), VisualProperty("Minimum Length:", 1000), DefaultValue(0)]
public int MinLength
[VisualProperty("Maximum Length:", 2000)]
public int MaxLength
return this.textbox.MaxLength;
this.textbox.MaxLength = value;
[VisualProperty("CSS Class:", 600)]
public new string CssClass
return base.CssClass;
base.CssClass = value;
public CustomTextBox(HtmlTextWriterTag tag): base(tag)
this.MaxLength = 256;
this.MinLength = 0;

2) Create MVC Type class to data-bind custom control. Here we can apply our binding logic.

namespace xxx.Foundation.Forms.WFFM
public class CustomTextBoxMVC : SingleLineTextField
public CustomTextBoxMVC()


public override void Initialize()
//Here can do data-bind
this.Value = "My Value";

3) Go to below path and add new field type.

/sitecore/system/Modules/Web Forms for Marketers/Settings/Field Types/Custom/

Here in this example we are adding CustomTextBox. Specified Assembly,Class,MVC Type field under Data section.

4) WFFM form designer choose newly created custom control.

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